Tools for analysis of -omics data in pancreatic cancer

Tools for analysis of -omics data in pancreatic cancer
We are pleased to announce the second TRANSPAN training school “Tools for analysis of -omics data in pancreatic cancer”, hosted by Prof. Uğur Sezerman in Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 September 2024. The 3-day course will provide hands-on training for state-of-the-art tools for the analysis of -omics data in pancreatic cancer, including exome sequencing, transcriptomics, and gene-enrichment analysis.
Registration is open now until the 5th of July 2024 and you can register for the course via the Google form link below, uploading your CV and motivation letter together (maximum of 2 pages as a PDF document) Successful candidates will be notified on the 21st of July 2024 to allow time to arrange travel to Istanbul and the hotel will be booked by the host institute.
Application form: